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Friday, July 6, 2007

Liposuction: An Option On The Path To Weight Loss?

Are you tired of sweating on the treadmill and living on celery sticks and brown rice? Do you watch reality TV shows where overweight individuals undergo seemingly magical transformations in under an hour? The popularity of reality TV shows where people undergo liposuction to get rid of those extra pounds have made plastic surgery more mainstream than ever, and why not?

Liposuction seems like a pretty attractive alternative to sweating it out in the gym. Truthfully, successful weight loss remains an elusive goal for millions of individuals, so liposuction appears an increasingly attractive weight loss option. But is it safe? Is liposuction a viable option on the path to weight loss?

Before you can determine whether liposuction is right for you, it helps to learn about the procedure. Liposuction is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures available today. Almost all liposuction procedures are done in a very conservative manner. This means that the amount of fat removed from a patient's body is generally small.

Although most liposuction procedures do only remove a small amount of fat, many plastic surgeons also practice large volume liposuction. Generally, large volume liposuction procedures are classified as those where over 5,000 cc of fat are removed. Large volume liposuction procedures generally require the patient to remain in the hospital for an overnight stay.

Most liposuction procedures are done under a general anesthetic. In some cases, liposuction procedures can be done under a local anesthetic. This type of sedation is generally reserved for cases where only small amounts of fat are being removed from specific locations.

What are the most common locations that individuals get treated through liposuction? The most common areas treated include the abdomen, buttock region, hips, and upper thighs. Other areas that are treated include the arms, chin, knees, and back, although these areas are not as common.

How does liposuction work, exactly? In most cases, the plastic surgeon uses a small tool called a cannulas. The cannulas is used to break up fat stored in the body while simultaneously suctioning it. The cannulas is designed so that it not only breaks up and suctions fat, but also contours the body so that no irregularities in the skin are left behind.

There are two basic forms of liposuction in use today. These two techniques are referred to as wet or tumescent techniques. The difference between these two techniques mostly involves the number of fluid that is placed in the targeted area before surgery begins. This fluid is used to reduce the amount of trauma and bruising that may affect the underlying tissues as a result of liposuction surgery.

After surgery, post-operative care tends to involve compression to the targeted area. Compression involves stretch garments that must be worn by the patient for up to three to six weeks after the surgery. In this post-operative period, a follow-up with a physician is necessary. Patients are advised to rest, and should not exercise in this period.

Once you have learned more about the procedure, you should decide if liposuction is right for you. First, ask yourself if you are interested in liposuction as a weight loss option. Is liposuction a viable weight loss option? The short answer is no. Liposuction should not be used as a weight loss treatment.

In general, liposuction is a body contour procedure, and should be treated as such. Liposuction is a surgical procedure that targets specific areas that have not responded to traditional weight loss measures. The best candidate for weight loss is someone who is at or very near their target weight, and it is not recommended for those seeking to lose more than ten pounds.

Many times, if you are set on liposuction, your doctor or surgeon may require you to lose weight before undergoing the procedure. Moreover, liposuction does not guarantee permanent weight loss. In order to maintain the final results, patients must follow a healthy diet and exercise regularly.

Also, although they are rare, complications have been known to result from liposuction surgery. Complications may include infection, puncturing of organs, embolism, swelling, burning, and scarring. If you are still interested in liposuction, make sure to consult with a board certified plastic surgeon to discuss your specific concerns.

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