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Friday, July 13, 2007

Forex Trading for Beginners - Facts you Must Accept to Win

Enclosed you will find some facts that you MUST accept or you won’t win at forex trading, so check them out and see if you could succeed in the worlds most excting investment.

1. Markets are Not Scientific

If you think you can win at forex trading by applying science forget it. Scientific theories don’t and never will work because humans determine the price of anything and they don’t move to scientific criteria!

2. Expect long periods of losses

No matter what system you use you are going top have periods of drawdown that last for weeks or months so get ready for them and be mentally prepared to take them.

3. Currency Trading Is Risky

Most people don’t like risk and are duped by vendors who try and tell them they can trade with low risk and make a regular income – Ignore this advice.

Fact is:

The bigger the reward the bigger the risk – risk goes with reward pure and simple. If you don’t like taking risks forget forex trading.

4. You can buy success

You will see lots of vendors promising to give you success, but the reality is they can’t. Most rely on advertising copy with no evidence they have made any money for themselves!

Don’t fall for this, the only person who can give you success is you.

If these vendors could deliver the gains a lot of them claim, they wouldn’t need you – they would be to busy making money.

To win you are all on your own and that’s no bad thing as we will discuss later.

5. More than 90% lose

Think about it 90% lose so why should you win? If you want to win then you need a “trading edge” Before you start trading think what your edge is and have confidence in it? If you can’t think what it is you don’t have one!

You may be thinking that’s all a bit negative, so let’s look at some facts that are positive.

6. You don’t need to work hard

You need to work smart – this means not acquiring knowledge for knowledge sake, just getting the right knowledge you need and this wont take long to learn and furthermore:

7. Simple systems work best

A simple system in forex trading will beat a complicated one hands down.


Because it will be more robust in the face of brutal market conditions, in fact all the best currency trading systems tend to be simple.

8. Everything about currency trading can be learned

You may ask well if that’s true why do so many forex traders lose?

The answer is they don’t have mental discipline to succeed.

Currency trading is as much if not more so about mindset than just a method.

If you don’t have the discipline to follow your method you have no method in the first place. You will have discipline if you develop your own method, you are confident in and that’s why no one else can give you success.

9. Take calculated risks and win big

If you accept risk and can take calculated risks at the right time with meaningful amounts, you can win big - this due to the massive leverage at your disposal.

Confronting risk and accepting it, is one of the keys to successful currency trading.

10. Forex trading is simple

In fact it’s a lot simpler than many traders believe and you don’t need a university degree to win – the opportunity is open to all.

Just keep in mind to work at acquiring the right knowledge, accept risk, rely on yourself, have mental discipline and you can become a winner in the worlds most exciting and lucrative investment medium

Beutifull Love

When Little Stars shining
When the sun drop down from the sky
I will be your strong...
with all power i have,
to be a your mobile power in all way
i love you with all my power

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Choosing An Online Broker

Sometimes we simply have too many choices. Laundry detergents can fill an entire aisle at a supermarket, when they all do essentially the same thing. Fast food restaurants offer 8 different package deals all made of the same basic food. The more options we have the harder it is to know exactly what we want. Nowhere is that more evident than choosing a broker for online investing. The proliferation of online brokerages has left the new or average investor with a pile full of prospectus stacks and no real idea of how to choose one from the many. There are three important questions to ask that will help you determine the best broker for you.

What do you want to invest?

Whoever said, "It's just money" didn't have any. The amount of money you want to invest will make a difference in everything from the type of investment appropriate for you to actual brokerage houses. Some brokers require a high initial investment to fulfill the type of portfolios they specialize in. Other brokers require you to keep a certain minimum in your account. That's different than the initial investment price because if your stocks initially lose ground and your account drops below the balance you could be required to replace that money. There are brokers that specialize in low initial investment and new investors. Many of them use balanced mutual funds to build up an account over time then switch the investor to a higher yield account when enough money has accrued.

What kind of help do you need?

Brokerage houses offer many levels of guidance and broker interaction. The more you need your broker to do for you, the more you'll pay in fees. Some companies such as E-Trade who have pioneered the world of online investment made easy offer the experienced investor the ability to manage their own portfolio from home with a minimum of help from employees. This saves the fees for the investor and gives them a greater sense of managing their own finances. Other brokers offer a full service online staff able to advise, make trades and notify the investor about market news and IPO's. A new investor should pick a broker who can offer guidance and explanation before diving for the first time in the complex world of finance.

What else do you want to do?

If all you want to do is invest and put your savings somewhere that will accrue extra money for your future then any broker can do. However many brokers, credit unions and banks offer additional services you may want to use. Some offer credit card services, retirement accounts, tax help, debit cards and loans. If you are looking for a "one stop shopping" financial solution a firm with more options may be better for your online investing needs. However, if you are comfortable with your local bank and current financial set up then any online broker can be used to add to your existing household plan very easily.

With the availability of a multitude of online brokers to assist you in the investment of your finances there is no question that they want your business. All you have to know is which one of those businesses you want.


Hi.... ada yang mau tau gak..........
ada beberapa orang yang bearti didalam hidup gw!!
==>Yg pertama tentu saja Tuhan gw He is Jesus Christ.... Waduh klo gak ada dia, gak kebayang deh gw ada apa enggak :D
==>Yg kedua ya kedua ortu gw!! yang udah ngebesarin dan ngerawat gw sampe jadi ganteng begini :D hehehehehe....
==>Yg ketiga tuh saudara2 gw.....
==> And yg ke empat itu CEWEK gw... ya iyalah emang siapa lagi klo bukan cewek gw, kan slot orang wajib gw sayang udah keisi penuh. sekarang tinggal cewek gw yg gw sayang... namanya Linawati... ssstttss... jangan bilang2 ke yang laen yah. ni rahasia :D
==>yg kelima tuh gw sendiri....
==>yg keenam ya temen2 gw deh

pertanyaanya kenapa gw bisa sayang ke cewek gw;

waaahhh itu tuh yang sering dipertanyaakan sama orang2.
1. tentu aja karena dia wanita :D klo laki2 mah gw ogah dah
2. Idola gw sama dia tuh sama!! siapa yahhh, yang tadi gw sebutin di nomor 1 tadi yaitu Jesus Christ
3. Cantik ( beutifull ) :D
4. Pacar pertama gw!!!
5. trus gw gak tau lagi, mungkin ini yang sering diomongin sama orang2, yaitu cinta diluar logika

yaudah cukup segini dulu, ntar dilanjutin lagi... bye

pergi darimu

kenapa sih klo aku begini kamu selalu begitu!!
kenapa enggak begini juga....
apa kamu sengaja????
apa kamu berlagak???
aku cuma bisa terenyum...
aku cuma bisa menahan..

seandainya lendaung senja terbenam
rembulan menampakkan sinarnya

engkau akan tahu bahwa matahari itu terasa hangat..
kau akan membeku dibawah terang rembulan

sang surya telah pergi..
dan tak akan kembali sebelum ada yang memintanya kembali....
ketuklah maka ia akan membukakan...
carilah maka akan kau temukan.........

Proses Implementasi ZBB

Proses implementasi ZBB terdiri dari tiga tahapan, yaitu:

  • Identifikasi Unit-unit Keputusan.

Struktur organisasi pada dasarnya terdiri dari pusat-pusat pertanggungjawaban. Setiap pusat pertanggungjawaban merupakan unit pembuat keputusan yang salah satu fungsinya adalah untuk menyiapkan anggaran. Zero Based Budgeting merupakan sistem anggaran yang berbasis pusat pertanggungjawaban sebagai dasar perencanaan dan pengendalian anggaran. Suatu unit keputusan merupakan kumpulan dari unit keputusan level yang lebih kecil.

  • Penentuan Paket-paket Keputusan.

Proses penentuan paket keputusan dapat menjamin tersedianya informasi yang lebih bermanfaat bagi kepentingan manajemen. Paket keputusan merupakan gambaran komprehensif mengenai bagian dari kreativitas organisasi atau fungsi yang dapat di evaluasi secara individu. Paket keputusan dibuat oleh manajer pusat pertanggungjawaban dan harus menunjukkan secara detail estimasi biaya dan pendapatan yang dinyatakan dalam bentuk pencapaian tugas dan perolehan manfaat. Secara teoritis, paket-paket keputusan dimaksudkan untuk mengidentifikasi berbagai alternatif kegiatan untuk melaksanakan fungsi unit keputusan dan untuk menentukan perbedaan level usaha pada tiap-tiap alternatif. Terdapat dua jenis paket keputusan, yaitu: a)Paket Keputusan Mutually-Exclusive. Adalah paket keputusan yang memiliki fungsi yang sama. Apabila dipilih salah satu paket kegiatan atau program, maka konsekuensinya adalah menolak semua alternatif yang lain. b)Paket Keputusan Incremental. Paket ini merefleksikan tingkat usaha yang berbeda (dikaitkan dengan biaya) dalam melaksanakan aktivitas tertentu.

  • Mengevaluasi Paket Keputusan dan Membuat Peringkat Paket Keputusan.

Bila paket keputusan telah disiapkan, tahapan berikutnya adalah membuat peringkat semua paket berdasarkan manfaat yang diperoleh bagi organisasi. Tahapan ini merupakan jembatan untuk menuju proses alokasi sumber daya diantara berbagai kegiatan yang beberapa diantaranya sudah ada dan lainnya baru sama sekali.

Zero Base Budgeting

Zero Based Budgeting adalah sistem anggaran yang didasarkan pada perkiraan kegiatan, bukan pada yang telah dilakukan dimasa lalu. Setiap kegiatan akan dievaluasi secara terpisah. Ini berarti berbagai program dikembangkan dalam visi pada tahun yang bersangkutan. Konsep Zero Based Budgeting dimaksudkan untuk mengatasi kelemahan yang ada pada sistem anggaran tradisional. Sebagian kelemahan sistem anggaran tradisional itu sendiri antara lain:

  • Hubungan yang tidak memadai antara anggaran tahunan dengan rencana pembangunan jangka panjang.
  • Pendekatan incremental menyebabkan sejumlah besar pengeluaran tidak diteliti secara menyeluruh efektivitasnya.
  • Proses anggaran terpisah untuk pengeluaran rutin dan pengeluaran modal/investasi.
  • Anggaran tradisional bersifat tahunan. Anggaran tahunan tersebut sebenarnya terlalu pendek, terutama untuk proyek modal dan hal tersebut dapat mendorong praktik-praktik yang tidak diinginkan.
  • Dan sebagainya.

Penyusunan anggaran dengan menggunakan konsep Zero Based Budgeting disini dapat menghilangkan incrementalism dan line-item, karena anggaran diasumsikan dimulai dari nol. Penyusunan anggaran yang bersifat incremental mendasarkan besarnya realisasi anggaran tahun ini untuk menetapkan anggaran ditahun depan, yaitu dengan menyesuaikannya dengan tingkat inflasi atau jumlah penduduk. Sedangkan pada sistem ZBB tidak berpatokan pada anggaran tahun lalu untuk menyusun anggaran tahun ini, namun penentuan anggaran didasarkan pada kebutuhan saat ini juga. Dengan ZBB, seolah-olah proses anggaran dimulai dari hal yang baru sama sekali (dimulai dari nol lagi). Item anggaran yang sudah tidak relevan dan tidak mendukung pencapaian tujuan dapat dihilangkan dari struktur anggaran, atau mungkin mucul item yang baru.